Rendez Aluminium Scaffolding
Rendez Ringlock Scaffolding System on Obstacle Challenge (Tahura – Yogyakarta)
Rendez Scaffolding on Mobile Apps
Bagi Pengguna Android Smartphone, telah hadir e-rendezscaffolding catalogue di Google Playstore. Silahkan di-Install secara Gratis melalui link (Rendez Scaffolding Mobile).
Harga Scaffolding Murah Berkualitas
Scaffolding semakin hari semakin di butuhkan untuk konstruksi pembangunan. Selain untuk aspek keamanan scaffolding juga di gunakan untuk mempercepat kerja dalam pembangunan konstruksi. Banyak para kontraktor mencari scaffolding. Mulai dari mencari scaffolding yang memiliki kualitas yang baik. serta mencari scaffolding yang tentu memiliki mutu keamanan standard international. Tentu juga tidak terkecuali melihat sisi harga scaffolding […]
Rendez Scaffolding Tubular System at our Warehouse Balaraja for Tangguh Project
For this project we apply with Scaffolding Tubular System, because it’s more flexible (can according to requirement), have higher power, more used in oil and gas company and our product comform to International standard . For materials we choose use content of : 1.Rendez Scaffolding Pipe with thickness 2.4mm (RSP-J-24) with JIS G3444 Standard 2.Rendez […]
Goes to BP Tangguh Project
We able to supply your project needs and give the best solutions for your project. Rendez Scaffolding Tubular System is providing your scaffolding needs, such as : industrial, oil & gas, mining, manufacturing, fabrication, restoration, institutuional, project event, etc Here we share video for delivery material to Tangguh Project as follows: Rendez C-Clamp;RCC-G-486 with JIS […]
Dear All of Valued Customers
Dear All of Valued Customers We hereby would like to announce that PT. Netway Indonesia/PT. Rendez Indonesia are ONLY selling RENDEZ scaffolding products, we do not have any branches, sister companies or afiliates that are also selling scaffolding products but with different brand If there is company that claim they are part of our group […]
Rendez Ringlock Tower System With Stairway Access
Rendez Indonesia provides you for the latest product to ease your scaffolding needs. We always develop and upgrade our product only for scaffolding needs. Rendez Tower Scaffolding System is providing your scaffolding needs, such as : industrial, oil & gas, mining, manufacturing, fabrication, restoration, institutuional, project event, etc. You can choose between Tubular System or […]
Rendez Tag
Rendez Tag is a must have item in scaffolding structure. Because scaffolding structure must be inspected prior to being used for the first time, following exposure to weather conditions likely to have affected its strength or stability, after substantial addition, dismantling or other alteration. Rendez Tag can provide you the latest status and identify clearly […]